Saturday, September 28, 2013

Coffee Is Always A Good Idea

There's nothing as good as a strong cup of coffee, unless it's a free cup of coffee.

Since tomorrow is National Coffee Day, coffee only seemed a fitting topic for this post.
What’s not to love about coffee — especially since there are so many good benefits that come along with drinking it! Runner’s World posted an article awhile back 8 Things Runners Should Know About Coffeeoutlining the benefits of running and coffee.
Some Saturdays I am not sure what I am more excited aboutcrossing my long run off the list or making the routine stop at Dunkin Donuts afterwards. Now that I know it may help post-exercise recovery, I can be excited for both!
A good run coupled with coffee and I may just be able to rule the world…. well, my world!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Redefining My Fitness

Redefining My Fitness

At the beginning of summer (Monday following my Dam to Dam run), I started my journey with Crossfit. Like many unaware people out there who haven’t stepped foot in an actual BOX , I was a complete skeptic. All I could think was this is just the next expensive, workout fad…..But, since my husband wouldn’t stop asking me to go, I figured I would at least try out the free first week. Needing a break from running and always up for trying something new, I thought, what could 1 week hurt….

Well, actually, it could hurt a lot! I remember the soreness from that first week….and hurting more than I have ever hurt from a workout. Was I really this out of shape? My motivation for each demanding workout came from knowing it would be done soon. If I could run for more than 2 hours, than could do the daily workout….right?

Well, it’s been more than 3 months and I am hooked. Even though some may call it obsessed, I know the change Crossfit has made in my life — and it’s hard to not be excited. I have noticed a positive difference in numerous areas — from my health, to my confidence, to my fitness level as a whole. And now that I am back into half-marathon training, I have really noticed how Crossfit complements my running performance.
More importantly, Crossfit is pushing me and motivating me to try harder and undefine limits I previously set. The possibilities are endless…..
As we celebrated JD’s 30th birthday this past weekend, I couldn’t help think about turning 30 in May. And while I have had this “perception” stuck in my head, it’s good to know at almost 30, I can say I am in the best shape of my live and it is only getting better.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Saying Goodbye to a Great Summer!

This is another “What I’ve Been Up To” post since it’s been a good three months since my last post. I have plenty to share and promise to do so more regularly!


Continued our adventure with volleyball — as much as I was ready to have the season over, I really missed it this past Wednesday night! And the great group of friends we played with each week!


A very sad goodbye....But excited to visit the Florida sunshine when it's freezing in Iowa!

Annual Northwestern Mutual Trip to Milwaukee....Had a relaxing time during the days and a great time attending the events with our friends — SafeHouse, ZooBrew, and Tim McGraw concert!

August was an amazing month!

My brother Alex made a visit back home. He's been stationed in Dover, Deleware for the AirForce forever now! We also celebrated my nephew Owen's batipism. JD and I are extremely honored to be his Godparents, along with Kara's brother Tyler.


I will also post instructions for a great baptism give....I have made two now! One football and one baseball version.....


I also went to a concert with Tess at the fair. We had an amazing time at the meet-and-greet before the show AND an even better time when Tess was picked to join The Wanted on stage!

We celebrated the end of summer by taking Crosby to the Doggie Dive at the pool down our street! And now, during our walks, Crosby tries to head towards entrance to the pool! I think he was a fan of it!

As we move into fall, I look forward to making many more great memories! We'll start this weekend as we celebrate JD's 30th birthday and continue into October as we celebrate our 1st Anniversary!