Friday, January 6, 2012

Just the Beginning

I can't think of a better time to start a blog then now! With the start to a new year, plenty of goals in place and wedding planning in process, I should be able to find a variety of topics to write about. I have been thinking of starting a blog for awhile now and it was actually on my list of resolutions for last year— 2012 the year!

I have always loved writing and hope to share inspiring stories to my readers (if when it gets to this point)! Over the last couple of years, I have found a few great blogs that I religiously follow such as, and There are also a few great weddings blogs that have helped inspire me while I was patiently waiting for my ring like and (she was on WEDDINGBEE). I have loved learning from all of these individuals as they share their life stories and passions. They’ve inspired me in many ways through their great recipes, DIY knowledge and fabulous wedding plans.

Besides working on the concept behind this blog, I’ve came up with a few other goals to work on throughout 2012.
  • Create a weekly exercise plan. This one seems to always make it on my list in some form. I have no problem running outside during the warmer summer months and have been taking advantage of this warmer Iowa weather. Once it’s time to hit the gym, I almost feel lost. I’m hoping that creating a weekly plan of exercises, reps and goals will help keep me in shape. I have a little extra motivation this year with a wedding in October.
  • Get more involved! Whether it's through a professional organization or a group in my community, I hope to spend more of 2012 doing more to help others.
  • Keep Learning. I miss school and I've been done for almost 6 years now, which is crazy! Throughout this year I'm going to focus on learning more whether it's doing more with social media, getting my coaching certificate or actually being able to operate the sewing machine I got for Christmas. I am going to make 2012 a year of growth.
With my 2012 goals, planning a wedding and starting this blog, I will have no problem keeping busy this year. Throughout my journey, I'll plan to share my stories whether they're successes or failures along with organization ideas, recipes, DIY projects and wedding plans— all the little things that help make our home sweet home in Iowa.